

Blessed be and Welcome!

Naturally Witchy is a beginner's blog, and much more. I started this blog because I saw there was a need for good, basic information on the craft. With so much misinformation on the internet, it's always good to have a place to go where you know you won't be lied to. Naturally Witchy is that place. This is a "non-denominational" blog and I will offer lessons in Wicca, Paganism, Kitchen Magick, and much more! I strive to offer Witchcraft 101 posts weekly, give advice as much as possible with my Ask Luna posts, and so much more! Please, pull up a chair, grab a cuppa, or can of coke, and get comfortable! We're in for some fun!

About Me

I am a 20-something year young witch. I've been practicing magick for a little over 10 years now. I am a Pagan Priestess, with roots in Wicca, herbalism, Paganism, green magick, and kitchen magick. I have been teaching the craft for nearly 5 years now, and am honored to help you along your path!