
Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday Meditation: Shut Up and Listen

Monday is the perfect day for a new meditation. I'm sure you've had a typical "ugh it's Monday" day, which is why I decided to do my weekly meditations on Mondays. So, without further ado, let's begin.

Today's meditation is called Shut Up and Listen. Now, I'm sure you're saying, "But Luna, I'm a good listener. I listen to my friends, my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/life partner, my children, etc.," but that's not what I mean, lovelies. When was the last time you took 15 minutes or more to quiet the world around you and listen to your own soul/inner child/inner self? If you can honestly tell me that you did so in the past week, then you are awesome and have won a gold star and a cookie, but I know that many of you will have to say it's been a while, if ever, since you did listen to your soul/inner child/inner self.

Now, I'm not going to judge you or get on to you for not visiting with yourself, because we're all human, and in the day to day grind there are so many voices that need to be heard, so we put ourselves to the side and say I'll get there when I have the time. We all do it, even me, but it's very important, especially in the life of a witch, to purposely carve out time to shut up and listen to yourself. This not only helps you to be your happiest, and helps fulfill your soul, it also helps strengthen your energy, because nothing is more important than being able to listen to that little voice inside. Today's meditation is designed to help you hear that voice more clearly. Let's jump right in.

Shut Up and Listen Meditation

Sit or lie somewhere comfortable. Be sure TVs and phones are off and that you will have at least 15 minutes of quiet, alone time. Sit or lie back and close your eyes. Listen to the sounds around your home, or wherever you are; the sound of traffic, the sound of birds, dogs barking, children playing, etc. Listen for a few moments, and then pull your attention inside your home; the sound of a clock ticking, the washer/dryer running, the refrigerator running, etc. Listen to that for a few moments, focusing only on what's inside the home, not the sounds outside. Now pull your attention to yourself. Listen to your own breathing. Hear how solid it is, bringing in positive energy and releasing negative energy. 

This isn't a visual meditation so don't worry about having to visualize anything, just listen. Listen to your breathing, steady, in and out. You may start getting images in your mind. That is fine. Acknowledge them and file them away for now. Later you will write them down in your meditation journal/notes. Just keep breathing. Don't worry about anything in the mundane world, for now, in this moment, just breathe, just be. Listen to your heart beat, strong and steady, pushing life sustaining blood through your body, nourishing your soul. Follow the sound of your blood to your inner core. Do you hear it? That little voice inside you? Focus on that little voice. Let it know that you've come on this journey to hear it.

What would fulfill this inner voice? What would sustain it? What would make it dance in delight? Sit quietly and listen to that voice; it's wants, it's needs. Once your 15 minutes are up, or once you've had a nice, long, fulfilling chat with your soul/inner child/inner self, politely end the conversation. Once you've come out of your meditation write your conversation down in a meditation journal. Be sure to include any images you saw, any impressions you felt, and how you felt about everything that was shown and said. 

Now that you've tapped into your soul voice, make a real and conscious effort to have these conversations at least once a week. And the biggest part ... do everything you possibly can to feed your soul/inner voice. It told you what it needs and wants to be happy, so do your best to do those things. You'll feel happier, more at peace, and more balanced.

Share your thoughts on this meditation and let me know what other kinds of meditations you would like to see here at Naturally Witchy, in the comments below!
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