Sunday, September 8, 2013
Still Here
I promise I'm still around. I've had so many problems with jobs here lately. Is it just me, or are places paying lower money for harder work? Anyway, I'm going to spend tomorrow working on blog posts, and I will get back to a more normal pace!
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Blog's a Winner!

I'm Still Here!

Thursday, July 11, 2013
Candle Magick

Candle magick
Domestic Witchcraft
Magical Housekeeping
Friday, July 5, 2013
Back on Monday
I will be back on Monday. Recently I've been looking for a job so I can pay for my various hobbies and Witchy makings. I took the week off to continue my job hunt more intensely, and will return with our regularly scheduled posts on Monday.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Herbal Tuesday: Belladonna

Herbal Tuesday
Monday Meditation on Tuesday: New Beginnings
Continuing with my theme from Friday, I want to use our Monday Meditation to share a meditation designed to help you intentionally create a new beginning. Shamans believe that we create our reality with our own thoughts, and speaking from experience, I've found this to be true. So, this meditation was written to help you write a new reality. Let's begin.
Monday Meditation
Friday, June 28, 2013
M is for Making New Beginnings
This post is a little late, but at least it's still Friday. We're still on M with the Pagan Blog Project. So today's post is about making new beginnings.
Life is full of seasons. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. But humans have seasons too. We go through what people call "phases", some good, some bad, but because of these phases, we have to have new beginnings, too. You maybe, like me, at a point in your life where you feel that it's time for a change, or something may have happened in your life that is making you change.
These are all normal parts of life, and I'm learning that change isn't a bad thing. When you're at a point like I am, knowing that's its time for a change and wanting to begin anew, there are many things you can do to help things along. The most important thing to do, when needing a new beginning, is start looking for ways to create that new beginning. If it has to do with your job, finds ways in the mundane world to help with that.
For example, there was a time in my life where I didn't have to work, so I never actively looked for a job, but now Knight and I have found ourselves in a situation where neither one of us is able to bring in enough money to handle the things we need to handle. So, we obviously need a new beginning.
On the mundane side, we are both actively looking for jobs, applying where we can, following up on applications, and doing the normal job looking things. But there are magickal things you can do to help things along. I have two candles burning at all times, as prayers to the gods to help us with our job searches. I have done a full "help me get and keep a good job" ritual.
For those that just feel its time to start over, a wonderful way is to do a road/door opening spell. Light a black candle with the intention of ridding yourself of blockages. Light a yellow candle for strength and confidence, and light a green candle for money and success. Invoke any goddess that is known for rebirths, because that is in all honesty what is happening, you are going through a rebirth stage in your life. Visualize yourself and your life the way you want them to be. For yourself, you may imagine being different than you are now. For example, I aspire to be as loving, giving, and trusting as Cassie Nightingale on the movie The Good Witch. So I envision myself being that way and try to implement those things into my life now. For your life, you might envision yourself having enough money to purchase a new car, or going on a family vacation, or whatever. You might visualize happy, smiling content faces in your home.
Even though magick will help things along, you still have to do the work. You cannot ask for change in your life, without changing yourself.
Pagan Blog Project
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Goddess Bio: Devi
Devi is a Hindu Goddess. She is known as the cosmic force and is the creator, annihilator, and re-creator of the universe, which she holds in her womb. The Hindus say that she gives birth to both force and form, and without her nothing would come into being. She is an amazing Goddess to work with for any kind of new beginnings. Need to start a new chapter of your life? Ask Devi for help with that. But be warned, because she is a creator and annihilator, she will destroy to rebuild.
Devi represents the typical feminine trinity, creator, preserver, and destroyer. She can be peaceful and benign, or full of rage. But she will always be helpful to her devotees, even if it may seem like she is destroying something. Just like any situation in life, when something is destroyed it is so something better can come in it's place. Appropriate offerings for Devi include rock candy, milk, honey, cake or bread, bananas, molasses, and sugar. Lotus flowers are also very appropriate offerings for Devi.

Goddess Bios
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Witchcraft 101: Ethics
Soul Work
Witchcraft 101
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Herbal Tuesday: Adam and Eve Root

Spell Candles
I've always loved dabbling with making candles. In the past I tried selling them, but I usually bit off more than I could chew and ended up closing shop. I've been struggling here lately to find a job. It seems like everywhere I've put in an application has over looked me. There are a couple places I've tried calling and nothing seems to work. So I decided since I don't have the money to go to town and pick up a handful of 7 day candles, which I love to keep around, I'll just make them myself. I had 10 pounds of sparkle light container palm wax that I had never even used, so I decided, why not use it up. That's enough for 10 7 day candles, and with it being palm wax, I suspect they might burn even longer. Here are a couple of pictures of the one I made specifically for myself last night.
I used the last bit of green candle dye I had to color this candle, but thankfully I made too much, and have enough for a second candle.
I was trying to show off the feathering effect that palm wax is famous for, but couldn't get a good angle. I'll take another picture outside in sunlight when I get a chance.
I've been toying with the idea of possibly selling these on etsy, but I'm not sure if I would have a market for them. Would any of you buy handmade palm wax 7 day/novena candles?
Candle magick
Monday, June 24, 2013
Monday Meditation: Shut Up and Listen
Monday is the perfect day for a new meditation. I'm sure you've had a typical "ugh it's Monday" day, which is why I decided to do my weekly meditations on Mondays. So, without further ado, let's begin.
Today's meditation is called Shut Up and Listen. Now, I'm sure you're saying, "But Luna, I'm a good listener. I listen to my friends, my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/life partner, my children, etc.," but that's not what I mean, lovelies. When was the last time you took 15 minutes or more to quiet the world around you and listen to your own soul/inner child/inner self? If you can honestly tell me that you did so in the past week, then you are awesome and have won a gold star and a cookie, but I know that many of you will have to say it's been a while, if ever, since you did listen to your soul/inner child/inner self.
Today's meditation is called Shut Up and Listen. Now, I'm sure you're saying, "But Luna, I'm a good listener. I listen to my friends, my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/life partner, my children, etc.," but that's not what I mean, lovelies. When was the last time you took 15 minutes or more to quiet the world around you and listen to your own soul/inner child/inner self? If you can honestly tell me that you did so in the past week, then you are awesome and have won a gold star and a cookie, but I know that many of you will have to say it's been a while, if ever, since you did listen to your soul/inner child/inner self.
Monday Meditation
Shadow Work
Soul Work
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Drawing Down The Moon
I have a small confession. It's been years since I've drawn down the moon. I really miss drawing down the moon though. If this is something you have never experienced, tonight is the absolute perfect night to do it. Tonight we have what they call a super moon. It is when the moon is closest to the earth. But, wait Luna! What is drawing down the moon? Oh, I'm so glad you asked my friends!
Drawing down the moon is an amazing experience where you draw the power of the moon inside you, as well as invoking the Goddess inside of you. It's a very beautiful and powerful experience. Let me break it down for you a little bit more.
Drawing down the moon is an amazing experience where you draw the power of the moon inside you, as well as invoking the Goddess inside of you. It's a very beautiful and powerful experience. Let me break it down for you a little bit more.
Moon Magick
Witchcraft 101
Friday, June 21, 2013
M For Movie Magic
I recently found the Pagan Blog Project, and decided it was something I needed to participate in! I decided to write about movie magic, because the Witchcraft 101 posts I've been working on will easily mirror with this. So, welcome to everyone from the project! I'll be stopping by to see your posts as well! Please leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by, and share your thoughts as well! Let's jump right in, shall we?
Pagan Blog Project
Witchcraft 101
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Celebrating Litha
Tomorrow is Litha, also known as Midsummer and Summer Solstice, which means it's time for us witches to celebrate! This is the time to enjoy the bounty of the land, day and night equalizing out, and just in general loving life! Today, I am not going to give two lessons in one day, so if you don't know the history of Litha and would like to, please check out this article.
I, personally, hope to celebrate Litha with Knight and the rest of my family. Hopefully we won't have a storm and can cook out and light the fire pit. This is a time to find a balance within yourself. Everyone has dark and light within us, and because Litha is the time when the day and the night are exactly equal, it's the perfect time for us to balance ourselves out as well.
I'll be spending the day cleaning the house, meditating, and then hopefully that evening Knight and I can have a lovely family meal, and watch the fire dance in the backyard! How will you be celebrating Litha this year?
I, personally, hope to celebrate Litha with Knight and the rest of my family. Hopefully we won't have a storm and can cook out and light the fire pit. This is a time to find a balance within yourself. Everyone has dark and light within us, and because Litha is the time when the day and the night are exactly equal, it's the perfect time for us to balance ourselves out as well.
I'll be spending the day cleaning the house, meditating, and then hopefully that evening Knight and I can have a lovely family meal, and watch the fire dance in the backyard! How will you be celebrating Litha this year?

Summer Solstice
Witchcraft 101
Household Cleansings: When Negativity Must Leave
It starts off as something small. You wake up with your love, and for some odd reason you both are just in crabby moods. You snap at each other, then say you're just tired, and then he leaves for work, and you leave for work, or stay home, and it just sets a bad tone for the rest of the day. Then that bad day turns into a bad week, and that bad week turns into a bad month, and before you know it, it seems like your life is just spiraling out of control! What's going on here? Have you been cursed? Is life turning against you? Chances are, the answer to the last two questions is ... NO.
Domestic Witchcraft
Magical Housekeeping
Witchcraft 101
Follow Me On Bloglovin!
Follow my blog with Bloglovin. Since Google so kindly decided to get rid of the Google Friend Connect buttons, I can't add it to my blog. Of course, if I chose a completely different template that still had the old button hardwired into it, then I could, but I happen to love the blog the way it is now. That's no guarantee that it won't change sometime in the future, but I do really like it now, and don't plan on changing things. With that in mind, I'm using Bloglovin as a way to follow other blogs, and have other readers follow me as well!
If you've never heard of Bloglovin, it's an awesome blog reader. It keeps everything organized and in place, and is extremely easy to navigate. You can easily group different blogs under different categories that you create, so that everything is nice and organized.
Of course, I realize that a lot of people will roll their eyes, and go, I don't want to have to log in to something totally different and have to learn how it works, just to be able to read blogs, and that is completely fine, too! I also use NetworkedBlogs on Facebook. Just check out the box in the right hand sidebar, and you can follow me through there as well!
If you've never heard of Bloglovin, it's an awesome blog reader. It keeps everything organized and in place, and is extremely easy to navigate. You can easily group different blogs under different categories that you create, so that everything is nice and organized.
Of course, I realize that a lot of people will roll their eyes, and go, I don't want to have to log in to something totally different and have to learn how it works, just to be able to read blogs, and that is completely fine, too! I also use NetworkedBlogs on Facebook. Just check out the box in the right hand sidebar, and you can follow me through there as well!
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Witchcraft 101: What is Witchcraft Anyway?
To kick off our Witchcraft 101 series, I'm going to take us back to the absolute basics. I know there are a lot of good books and blogs out there that offer wonderful definitions of what Witchcraft is, and what it isn't, but I wouldn't be a very good 101 teacher if I started off with slightly advanced work, without laying out the ground knowledge first. So here we go!
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