Since the last Witchcraft 101 post, we discussed what Witchcraft is, and what Witchcraft isn't. Now, this was a topic I avoided, only because I planned on doing a dedicated post to this. Witchcraft in real life, and Witchcraft in movies are most definitely not the same.
See, Witchcraft in real life is very subtle. It makes changes over time. That isn't to say that large spells cannot produce major changes, like for example, someone being addicted to drugs and asking for help from an archangel or specific deity will normally get a rather quick response, depending on what is truly inside the heart of that person. But when I say they are more subtle, I mean you aren't going to see a major storm swirl up for no reason other than a woman standing on a beach chanting, like they portray in the movie The Craft.
Hollywood likes to add flash to everything they do. Almost all the movies created about Witchcraft are unrealistic. We cannot change the color of our eyes, just by chanting a quick spell. We cannot make our hair grow in the blink of an eye, or change colors in the snap of a finger (that's what cosmetologists are for), but we can direct energy to make certain things happen. Let me share a personal story with you.
My fiance and I separated about a month ago. Things had gotten very rocky between us, and I truly thought things were completely over. My knight had moved out and was living down the street from me. We weren't speaking. I had hit such a low in my life that things were very bleak. My best friend Miss Hippie called, for no particular reason, on one of my darkest days, and arrived that day to pull me out of the muck I found myself in. We went through the house with White Sage, cleaned every surface until it was gleaming, and sat and meditated on why I had hit such a complete low. The sage helped pull me out of a deep depression and cleared the air in my home for me to be able to think things through.
At the same time, I realized that Knight had a few people in his life that weren't helping our relationship at all, and they weren't really helping him realize the dreams he had either. I lit a candle for healing, for him, for me, and for us. I prayed to Archangel Raphael and Archangel Chamuel to enter our home and our lives and help heal each of us from the problems that had brought us to this bleak road. I asked Archangel Chamuel to enter into our relationship, which was hanging on by a thin thread, and help heal us and bring us closer together. I spent 2 weeks praying, and lighting candles. I asked that Knight have all his dreams come true, whether they involved me or not, and I asked to have the strength to handle whatever answer I received. At the end of those 2 weeks, Knight had moved back in, and while our wedding which had been scheduled for August 23, 2013 was pushed back, things were going well, and still are.
That's the way magick in real life works. I didn't ask for anything that would affect Knight's free will, I asked for both of us to receive the healing we needed to live a better life, whether we were together or not. I asked for Knight's eyes to be opened so he would know what he truly wanted, and to have the strength to handle his own decision, without falling to the influence of the so called friends that had split us up in the first place. And I also completely banished those people from my home. Knight has been home for over a month now, those so called friends have not shown up at my house, and they rarely call Knight. He was hurt by that at first, until he realized that they were holding him back. I did not ask for those people to be banished from his life, only for him to realize who his true friends were. While it was a big change, losing several friends at one time for both of us, healing past hurts that had started long before Knight and I met, and Knight coming home and realizing what he truly wanted, they happened more slowly than they would have in a movie.
I will admit that it seemed like things changed very quickly, almost over night. Knight spent the night with me one time after moving out, and the next day he had moved back in. As soon as Knight made it clear that he wanted to be with me, the people that had been so against us in the beginning just seemed to magickally disappear from our lives. The person he stayed with while we were split up moved to the next town, the two people mainly responsible for creating the wedge between us stopped calling, and Knight seemed happier and more at peace with himself than he ever has in the past 5 years I've known him. And even though it seemed to me like it happened over night, in reality, it happened in the span of 2 weeks. Real life magick has to have time to become perfect.
Another way to look at the difference between movie magic, and real life magick, is from the movie Bewitched. I adore that movie! It is so amazing! However, even though I am a real life witch, I cannot make a new car show up in my garage, in the blink of an eye, just by thinking about it, my house definitely does not clean itself (mores the pity!), and I most definitely cannot fly around on a broom (although I truly wish I could, because travel would be so much easier!).
One movie that I've seen that is very, very close to real life is The Good Witch. The subtle, mysterious ways that things just seem to "happen" in the movie reflect more of real life magick than any other Hollywood produced movie I've ever seen. Practical Magic is another good movie, and is sort of close to real life magick, but the producers can't show what we feel, so they have to spruce it up with things like when Sally has to save Jillian from the spirit of Jimmy Angelove and they show the curse being broken (which is something we would feel, and some psychics would see), and the black grossness that comes from out of Jillian after exorcising Jimmy from her. Those are slightly over dramatized examples of what real magick can do.
So, have you ever seen something in a movie that you would love to be able to do in real life?
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