
Friday, June 28, 2013

M is for Making New Beginnings

This post is a little late, but at least it's still Friday. We're still on M with the Pagan Blog Project. So today's post is about making new beginnings.

Life is full of seasons. Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. But humans have seasons too. We go through what people call "phases", some good, some bad, but because of these phases, we have to have new beginnings, too. You maybe, like me, at a point in your life where you feel that it's time for a change, or something may have happened in your life that is making you change.

These are all normal parts of life, and I'm learning that change isn't a bad thing. When you're at a point like I am, knowing that's its time for a change and wanting to begin anew, there are many things you can do to help things along. The most important thing to do, when needing a new beginning, is start looking for ways to create that new beginning. If it has to do with your job, finds ways in the mundane world to help with that. 

For example, there was a time in my life where I didn't have to work, so I never actively looked for a job, but now Knight and I have found ourselves in a situation where neither one of us is able to bring in enough money to handle the things we need to handle. So, we obviously need a new beginning.

On the mundane side, we are both actively looking for jobs, applying where we can, following up on applications, and doing the normal job looking things. But there are magickal things you can do to help things along. I have two candles burning at all times, as prayers to the gods to help us with our job searches. I have done a full "help me get and keep a good job" ritual. 

For those that just feel its time to start over, a wonderful way is to do a road/door opening spell. Light a black candle with the intention of ridding yourself of blockages. Light a yellow candle for strength and confidence, and light a green candle for money and success. Invoke any goddess that is known for rebirths, because that is in all honesty what is happening, you are going through a rebirth stage in your life. Visualize yourself and your life the way you want them to be. For yourself, you may imagine being different than you are now. For example, I aspire to be as loving, giving, and trusting as Cassie Nightingale on the movie The Good Witch. So I envision myself being that way and try to implement those things into my life now. For your life, you might envision yourself having enough money to purchase a new car, or going on a family vacation, or whatever. You might visualize happy, smiling content faces in your home. 

Even though magick will help things along, you still have to do the work. You cannot ask for change in your life, without changing yourself.

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