
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Monday Meditation on Tuesday: New Beginnings

Continuing with my theme from Friday, I want to use our Monday Meditation to share a meditation designed to help you intentionally create a new beginning. Shamans believe that we create our reality with our own thoughts, and speaking from experience, I've found this to be true. So, this meditation was written to help you write a new reality. Let's begin.

New Beginnings Meditation

Sit or lie somewhere comfortable. Close your eyes and slowly count down from 10 to 1. Breathe deeply, allowing your mind to go deeper into your meditative state. Know that you are safe, know that everything in the world is as it should be. There are no worries right now, no schedules, no problems. Relax your entire body. Let all the tension disappear. If you are still holding on to worries or problems, breathe them into the wind and watch them float away. Now, visualize yourself sitting in the floor with lots of pictures in front of you. These pictures are images of how your life has been, up to this point. Around you are 2 boxes, one marked keep, and one marked throw away.

Look through your pictures. Pick up each one. Those that depict things you are grateful for, that make you happy, and that make your soul dance, put in the keep box. All the others that do nothing for you, that take away from your happiness, or even those that are neutral, toss in the throw away box. You are mentally clearing away the things that keep you tied to the past. Those are things that are not welcome in your new beginning. Once you've sorted all of your life pictures, thank the Gods for allowing you the blessings that you kept, and also thank them for the ones that you are clearing away, because those were important parts of your life at one point in time. 

Now visualize yourself being filled with sparkling white light. See that light getting rid of all bad emotions, severing your connection from the past, and striking down any blockages standing in your way. Know that you are cleansed and ready to start a new path. Now, visualize all the things you want in your new beginning. Visualize smiling, happy faces in your life. Feel happiness and harmony surrounding you. See yourself working at a new job, making yourself happy. See yourself purchasing things you want in your new life. Know that you are worthy of those things. Know that the Gods will provide those things to you, and be willing to work for those things. 

Coming out of your meditation, slowly become aware of your body. Count up from 1 to 10, coming more into yourself with each number. Once you are fully within yourself, know that you've started a new beginning. Do not dwell on anything you got rid of in your meditation. If any of it was something real, or if you have items that remind you of something you got rid of in meditation, get rid of those things physically. They will only serve as ties to your past and will negate any and all work you've done to open up your new beginning. Remember to always work on yourself. Keep yourself positive, and try your best not to allow yourself to dwell on negative things. Keep faith that things are the way you want them to be. The more you focus on what you want, and think of it as already happening, the sooner you will get to where you want to be.

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